My Corsair Photos

Below are a list of my Corsair photos. The first four were taken at the Planes of Fame Museum, Chino, California, late December 1999. The remaining six were taken at the 18th Annual California International Airshow, held at Salinas, California, September 25-27, 1998. Please feel free to use these for any non-commercial application. The color reproduction isn't perfect, nor did all the detail of the prints scan well, but all in all they look pretty good.

Front-Right quarter

Front-Left cowl/engine

Left wing fold

Right-Rear three-quarter
Left-Side photo of the FG-1D
Front-Left quarter photo of the FG-1D. The plaque reads: FG-1D CORSAIR Built by Goodyear, Year 1943, Fighter, Speed 400+, Engine 2000 Hp, 6-50 Cal MG's, 2000Lb. Bomb Load.
Front photo of the FG-1D
Front-Right quarter photo of the FG-1D
Right-Side photo of the FG-1D
Rear photo of the FG-1D. Other visible aircraft include a P-51D, F-86F, and two A-10A's in the extreme background.

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This page concluded Jan. 1, 2003
Site created by Etan Karni